24x7x365 fully random content in every channel!!

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Random TV Network is a website that will show five different signals (as they were five TV channels) with contents produced in real time mixing sound, video, and textual material randomly.

Besides of the ironical view about Television and our behaviors as consumers, the project will use the new possibilities that have computers and the Internet for content production (and put in the place of the artist an old companion of every creator: chance).

Below there is a description of the concept, software and material used for each channel

Your cyberinformation channel

A mouth speaking
Images from Google
A speaker voice

This channel will use the software that I'm developing for another piece ( IP-Poetry , that has won the Vida 7.0 Incentive for investigation - Fundación Telefónica de España) It consists in a spider bot that seeks on Internet selected text strings and then an engine that mix prerecorded sounds and images of a mouth.

In this case the spider will search phrases that contain the most used word by some news websites. The mouth will make his speach and sometimes one still image will be shown (making an image search in Google)


The neverending match

Video fragments of fans, feets runing with the ball. The partial result of the game
The narration of the match
Fans singing

By chance the software will choose a name of a player, an action (a pass, a kick) and a result of this action (a completed or incomplete pass, a goal) This will generate a narration and a partial result that will be recorded in a database. Every time a user enter the website the match will go ahead.

The adult pleasure that never stops

Pixelated and zoomed prerecorded videos of porn movies
Prerecorded sounds of people having sex
Background music

The software will mix the prerecorded video fragments and will do the same with the sounds.
A random playlist of porn movie music will be the background sound

You'll never know who is the murder

Video fragments of legs walking, a car moving fast, the skyline of a city, etc
Screams, horror efects, and horror music fragments.

The software will mix the videos and sounds generating an unpredictable narration.

Nothing is written, nothing recorded; this is really free music

Random generated figures, wide range of video excerpts.
Random generated music

This channel will start with four music programs: Clasic, Dance, Soundscapes and Easy Listening. In each case the software used will be different but there will be two differents ways to produce the content. One fully digital generated and another mixing differents prerecorded samples.
For this channel especialy, there will be an open call for new random music programs.



The project could be finished on six months.
The budget for the realization is around $6.000. We have already part of this money because the software that we'll use will be developed with the money of the Vida 7.0 Prize, (that is 2.000 Euros - USD 2.600)